10 Ways to Personalize Your Query to Agents
By Carly Watters
*** This blog post was originally published October 3, 2016 ***
Writers hear that they're supposed to personalize their queries—but "how personal, exactly?" is the most common question. The best queries show that they have engaged with us before (on Twitter, read an interview, or a blog post of ours) and have done their research. It's easier than you think to show that personal touch.
Below are TEN great query intro's you can model yours after:
"You've mentioned on your blog an interest in XX and so BOOK TITLE HERE might be of special interest to you."
"After reading (and loving) CLIENT BOOK TITLE HERE, I am submitting BOOK TITLE HERE for your review."
"I noticed on Manuscript Wishlist you are looking for XX and XX so I'm submitting BOOK TITLE HERE."
"I am seeking representation for my novel, BOOK TITLE HERE, a work of XX complete at XX-words. For readers of XX and CLIENT BOOK TITLE HERE."
"I enjoyed your interview with XX and am eager to present to you my query for BOOK TITLE HERE."
"As per your request on #MSWL, I am hoping you'll be interested in my book, BOOK TITLE HERE, an ..."
"I am excited to offer, for your consideration, BOOK TITLE HERE, one that is HOOK, like your #MSWL requests."
"I am contacting you about my novel BOOK TITLE HERE because of your wishlist mention of XX and XX."
"I noticed your tweet requesting XX and I thought my novel BOOK TITLE HERE could be just what you're looking for."
"I am seeking representation for my GENRE novel BOOK TITLE HERE complete at XX-words. It is similar in theme to CLIENT BOOK TITLE HERE."
You don't need to gush too much and you don't need to flatter us. You just have to use your professional judgment to share why you think we'd be a fit. If you tell me that you've read my blog chances are I'm going to like that because it shows that you understand what I'm looking for. If you've read my clients' books that shows we might have similar taste. If you cite my MSWL posts that shows some research. It's really the little details that will set you apart from the pack.
Make sure to also include in this opening paragraph: word count, genre/category/audience and don't forget your book title!